Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dr Dre- "people aren't hearing all the music"

Dr Dre is a well known artist when it comes to the music business as he has become well known for his gangsta rap and music of the hip hop genre. More recently he has launched his own stlyized range of headphones which are branded under the name of Beats By Dr. Dre. There are currently six versions each of the headphones and earphones. The ones I have got monster beats and will be reviewing will be the Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Solo Multilingual Headphones which are an over ear style of headphone. There are also in ear versions of these headphones available. I actually got these as a present but they are not cheap and retail for around the £150 mark. They are a bit cheaper than the high definition version which will tend to cost upwards of £200.


These headphones are very sleek and stylish in appearance. They are smaller and lighter in terms of design compared to the more expensive version. They are also easily folded away inwards and can be put away in the carry case that headphones beats comes with them. The ear cups are also well cushioned. The headphones offer both style and also comfort. The headband over the top is easily adjusted to fit over your head. You have to be slightly careful with this as they are not really sturdy but with a product like this you will tend to be quite careful.

Sound quality

I am not really technically aware to be able to judge sound quality but overall I can say it is very impressive. The cushioned ear parts also ensure that surrounding noise is also mostly eliminated. You can really hear the headphones dr dre bass when listening to the music.


These headphones do not come cheap and the price is certainly a major off putting factor. If you are willing to pay the price, then they are a quality product. There are though other cheaper versions available if you cannot get these. I would give these 4/5 stars overall.

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